What Does Impressions Mean On Fiverr? A Complete Guide

Assume you have just completed the course in any digital marketing category. 

Let’s say you have completed the course named “Content Writing” Now, you want to sell your services as a content writer. What will you do? You will probably choose to sell your services to online marketing platforms such as “Fiverr”, “Upwork, and so on. According to research, most of the sellers choose Fiverr to start their freelancing journey. So after doing a small research you have selected Fiverr and created an account on it! 

Okay, but what’s the big deal in this? Here’s a quick answer:

After creating an account on Fiverr, one of the most prominent challenges that a new freelancer faces is that their gigs are not getting impressions and if they are not getting impressions, it means not getting any sales. In this article, we’re going to discuss “What does impressions mean on Fiverr? and how we can increase the impressions to get sales. 

Let’s get started!

“Before moving forward, let’s first discuss the main query which is about!”

What Does Impressions Mean On Fiverr?

Impressions on Fiverr are simply described as the number of times your gig appears on search results or any other page. Now, many of you might be confused that it’s like a click or view, no it’s different. 

Let’s understand things in a detailed manner!

Almost all buyers on Fiverr use the search bar to find services according to their specific needs. If your gig comes up during one of those searches, it will be counted as an impression. Here’s an example!

what is impression on Fiverr

You can clearly see in the top picture that someone searches for “Data Entry” on Fiverr’s search bar. When they click on the search icon, a number of gigs appear, so as long as they scroll down and look at them, each gig that comes up in the search results will be given an impression. Hope it’s clear!

As we learned about why impressions matter on Fiverr? Now a question arises, “How Can We See Impressions On Our Fiverr’s Gig

Here’s what you need to understand:

How To See Your Fiverr Gig’s Impressions?

There are several methods to see how much impression your gig achieves. The first method is you can simply go to your Fiverr account and check out the “Statics Page” Now, how can you find this page?

We’re here to help you! 

To find this page on your Fiverr profile, just login to your Fiverr profile like this 

what does impressions mean on fiverr

But the question is how you can reach that specific page. Don’t worry, just click on your profile picture section and then switch your account from buying to selling. After switching your account as a seller on Fiverr. 

There’s a page open where you can see your gigs. If we move our eyes to the menu section beside the Fiverr there’s a few categories lies such as 

Dashboard — My Business — Growth & Marketing — Analytics

Okay so now you just need to click on the “My Business” tab and select “Gigs Page” from the drop-down menu like this:

Fiverr gig impression

After going through this “Gig” section, you will find a page like this 

Gigs Impression on fiverr

On this page, you can analyze how many impressions your gig achieved in the last few days. Not only this, you can also check out the orders, clicks, and conversions. 

But to analyze the impressions, this page gives you the ability to check out impressions from date-wise. Like if you want to analyze your impressions activity like from which data your gig gets more impressions and from which date your gig gets zero or no impressions. Isn’t cool!

Yeah, but how can we arrange the dates to analyze the impressions? To do this,  just by clicking on the date area which is placed above the gigs like this 

How to increase fiverr gig impression

Hope you understand the point!

Now, we discussed the problem and understood the situation okay but where is the solution? Let’s move forward with this!

How To Increase Impressions On Fiverr?

Every seller wants to capture the eyes of buyers to their gigs in order to generate impressions, clicks and improve conversions, but only a few of them succeed in it. 


Listen, not all the sellers use the same strategies to get impressions or get sales. Every person uses different methods to achieve success. But how can you learn these strategies? Yeah, it’s a problem!

But why fear when we’re here!” 

We’ve researched the best strategies which you can apply to increase your impressions, clicks, and even conversions. Let’s go!

Fiverr gig SEO

The best method to increase Fiverr gig impressions is by ranking your gig on the top page of Fiverr search results for highly specific search keywords. For that, you need to do master Fiverr gig SEO.

This means that you have to find the right keywords to use in your Fiverr gig. And then these keywords need to be strategically placed in the title and meta description.
Also, include these keywords in your Fiverr profile that tell the Fiverr algorithm that your Fiverr gigs fall into the category of all service keywords.

For example, if you want to target sellers looking for content writers from Canada who write about the Canadian income tax, use keywords like – Canadian content writers, tax experts, tax writers, etc. That’s the essence of Fiverr gig SEO.

By using those keywords, your Fiverr gig appears on the first page of search results in Fiverr. This will help you get more impressions on Fiverr.

Promoting your gigs

 You can reach more people through social media to promote your fire gig. Sharing your gig on social media will get you more impressions but in this, you get less clicks other than Fiverr.

Staying online often

Try to stay online as often and as long as possible. For which you can download the official application of Fiverr and use it.

Fiverr has a button that if the buyer clicks on it, they will only see those gigs that are online.
In this way, impressions can be more on your page and there is a higher chance of getting an order.

Maintaining a high response rate

If a buyer messages you, respond to them as soon as possible before they move to another gig.
It shows professionalism and good customer service ability, which increases the response rate of your Fiverr.

Ensuring top-quality service to get good ratings

If your Fiverr Gig rating is good, it is a proof that people are happy with your work. If you maintain your Fiver rating, Fiver raises your gig to a higher rating.

A good and excellent ranking gets you orders and impressions from more people.

Responding to buyer requests

Buyer requests are the easiest way to get an order from someone else.

It gets you to related buyers of your service without waiting. You see many related service buyers when you respond to their requests.


By now you must have known that “What is Fiverr gig impression, Manning”.

Follow the given steps and maximize your Fiverr gigs impression which can increase your chances of getting an order.

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